Enhanced IT Compliance Services
Advanced Audit and Exam Preparation
Gather the requested items and review the accuracy of the documentation. Coordinate with the organization for submitting requested items. Actively participate in audit or exam sessions and exit interviews.
Enhanced Baseline
Provide an annual review of IT Security policies and controls to ensure the organization is following current National Institute of Standards and Technology [NIST] and Center for Internet Security [CIS] guidance.
IT Strategic Plan Development
Ensure stakeholders are complying with regulatory and other business requirements. Develop action plans and identify responsible members or committees to implement plans. The IT strategic plan should include a SWOT analysis of its strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats to identify both internal and external factors that can affect IT’s ability to contribute to an organization’s success.
GAP Analysis
Assess if the organization IT department has identified guidelines and regulations applicable to its operational practice. Perform GAP analysis to identify controls that have not been implemented but are recommended in industry standards and frameworks.
Risk Management
Develop a process of identifying, assessing, and monitoring the risk of the organization the risk of the organization’s compliance with state and federal regulations. Review the internal controls to ensure that the organization is compliant with required regulations.
SWOT Analysis
SWOT stands for Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats. Strengths and weaknesses are internal to your company – things that you have some control over, and can change. Opportunities are things you can take advantage of. Threats are things that can harm you – determine ways to prepare for them.